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マウス網膜におけるP2X3, P2X5, P2X6型プリン受容体の免疫組織化学的分布 (J. Mol. Histol.) 2007.12.31
Shigematsu Y., Shimoda Y., Kaneda M. Distribution of immunoreactivity for P2X3, P2X5, and P2X6-purinoceptors in mouse retina.J. Mol. Histol., 38:369-371, 2007.

マウス網膜コリン作動性アマクリン細胞の電位依存性イオンチャネル (J. Neurophysiol.) 2007.12.31

Kaneda, M., Ito, K., Morishima, Y., Shigematsu, Y., and Shimoda, Y. Characterization of voltage-gated ionic channels in cholinergic amacrine cells in the mouse retina. J. Neurophysiol., 97:4225-4234, 2007.

オートファジーが欠損すると神経軸索終末において2重膜構造体が蓄積する (Autophagy) 2007.9.5

Nishiyama,J., Miura, E., Mizushima, N., Watanabe, M., Yuzaki, M. Aberrant membranes and double-membrane structures accumulate in the axons of Atg5-null Purkinje cells before neuronal death. Autophagy,3:591-6, 2007.

デルタ2受容体のLTD誘導能にはチャネル機能は関与しない (J Physiol) 2007.8.13

Kakegawa,W., Kohda, K., Yuzaki, M. The delta2 “ionotropic” glutamate receptor functions as a non-ionotropic receptor to control cerebellar synaptic plasticity. J Physiol., 584:89-96, 2007.

ラーチャー:古くて新しい小脳失調マウス (invited review; Brain Res) 2007.4.6

Vogel, M.W., Caston, J., Yuzaki, M., Mariani, J. The Lurcher mouse: fresh insights from an old mutant. Brain Res, 1140:4-18, 2007.

デルタ受容体とは (単行本The Glutamate Receptors分担執筆) 2007.4.6

Yuzaki, M. Delta receptors. In: The Glutamate Receptors. (Gereau, R.W., and Swanson, G.T. eds), 2008, The Humana Press, New Jersey.

デルタ2受容体のC末端はLTD誘導に必須である (Eur J Neurosci) 2007.4.6

Kohda, K., Kakegawa, W., Matsuda, S., Nakagami, R., Kakiya, N., Yuzaki, M. The extreme C-terminus of GluRdelta2 is essential for induction of long-term depression in cerebellar slices. Eur. J. Neurosci., 25:1357-1362, 2007.

デルタ2受容体の新しい自然発症ミュータントho15J (Brain Res) 2007.4.6

Motohashi, J., Kakegawa, W., Yuzaki, M. Ho15J―a new hotfoot allele in a hot spot in the gene encoding the delta2 glutamate receptor. Brain Res. 1140:153-160, 2007.

PTSDモデルラットではグルココルチコイド受容体活性化が起きている (Neurosci) 2007.4.6

Kohda K, Harada K, Kato K, Hoshino A, Motohashi J, Yamaji T, Morinobu S, Matsuoka N, Kato N. Glucocorticoid receptor activation is involved in producing abnormal phenotypes of single-prolonged stress rats: A putative post-traumatic stress disorder model. Neuroscience. 148:22-33, 2007.

Neurotrophin分泌に関与するCAPS2の欠損マウスにおける小脳発達と機能の異常 (J Neurosc) 2007.3.3

Sadakata, T., Kakegawa, W., Mizoguchi, A., Washida, M., Katoh-Semba, R., Shutoh, F., Okamoto, T., Nakashima, H., Kimura, K., Tanaka, M., Sekine, Y., Itohara, S., Yuzaki, M., Nagao,S., Furuichi, T. Impaired cerebellar development and function in mice lacking CAPS2, a protein involved in neurotrophin release. J. Neurosci., 27:2472-2482, 2007.

デルタ2受容体のCa2+透過性はシナプス形成およびLTD誘導能には関与しない (J Physiol) 2007.1.15

Kakegawa, W., Miyazaki, T., Hirai, H., Motohashi, J., Mishina, M., Watanabe, M., Yuzaki, M. Ca2+ permeability of the channel pore is not essential for the delta2 glutamate receptor to regulate synaptic plasticity and motor coordination. J. Physiol. 579.3:729-735, 2007.

シナプス形成因子Cblnファミリータンパク質の解析 (Eur J Neurosci) 2007.1.1

Iijima, I., Miura, E., Matsuda, K., Kamekawa, Y., Watanabe, M., Yuzaki, M. Characterization of a transneuronal cytokine family Cbln―Regulation of secretion by heteromeric assembly. Eur. J. Neurosci., 25:1049-1057, 2007.