
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab
    Yuzaki Lab's (Department of Neurophysiology, Keio University School of Medicine) research theme is to elucidate "how neural activity and environmental changes induce memory and learning,、, 、and how they change the neural network itself ."。For details please Click here.
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Talk at Stanford University,,ja,I did Talk at Stanford University Permalink,,ja,As the Center for Molecular Neuroscience was founded at Stanford University,,,ja,Symposium on 20th Monday,,ja

Per the Center for Molecular Neuroscience launched at Stanford University、4月20日にシンポジウムIt has been made。Yuzusaki is I will call on the Nobel Prize scholar Thomas Sudhof、It gave a Keynote address。The Center for Molecular Neuroscience is in a virtual organization、So far long Then came the "Synapse Club" development to eliminate the、We aim to understand the neural circuits and normal and abnormal brain function by understanding the workings of at the molecular level of the synapse。Stanford University School of Medicine、Neuroscience researcher of nearby universities such as UCSF and UCSD not only neurobiology faculty had gathered。Of this timeOther Speaker,,ja,はKang Sheng,,zh-CN,Christian Rosenmund,,en,Lu Chen,,zh-CN,Julia Lalitsschmidt,,en,Li Gan,,zh-CN,He is Dr. Sue Ackerman.,,jaはKang Sheng, Christian Rosenmund, Lu Chen, Julia Lalitsschmidt, Li Gan, Sue Ackerman is Dr.。

04/20/2018 6:53 PM | What's New