
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab
    Yuzaki Lab's (Department of Neurophysiology, Keio University School of Medicine) research theme is to elucidate "how neural activity and environmental changes induce memory and learning,、, 、and how they change the neural network itself ."。For details please Click here.
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We await the participation of motivated indivisuals。We will vigorously nurture young researchers who will lead the future of basic science.。
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Prof. Yuzaki gave a talk at Univ of Cambridge

ProfessorlogoWB Yuzaki. In invitation of Giovanna Mallucci、Yuzusaki the Univ on July 6. It gave a Invited Seminar at Cambridge。Lecture Theatre subjected to Talk is located in Clifford Allbutt Building、2013Laboratory of Molecular Biology until year (LMB is the birth place of modern molecular biology where many fundamental discoveries, such as double helix structure of DNA, muscle contraction mechanisms and viral capsid stuctures, are made.)Of there was just (now moved to a new building)。LMB the DNA double helix、Muscle contraction、Is one the birthplace of molecular biology, such as the discovery of the structure of the virus has been made。10Toka things Nobel Prize has come out。

07/06/2015 3:47 PM | What's New