
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab
    Yuzaki Lab's (Department of Neurophysiology, Keio University School of Medicine) research theme is to elucidate "how neural activity and environmental changes induce memory and learning,、, 、and how they change the neural network itself ."。For details please Click here.
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We await the participation of motivated indivisuals。We will vigorously nurture young researchers who will lead the future of basic science.。
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Top News

Keio WPI Bio2Q kick-off symposium was held

On November 10, 2018, Keio University launched the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI).)Adopted as a base for、2The kick-off meeting was held on March 3rd.。(Human Biology x MicroBiome x Quantum computing = Bio2Q)As、Focusing on the Microbiome、How human homeostasis is controlled by mucosal epithelium, immunity, nerves, metabolism, etc.、A 10-year project that aims to elucidate using quantum computing with AI。Under Director Honda、Yuzuzaki as the representative of the neural control team、I will also participate as a special assistant to the center director.。

posted on 02/03/2023 11:58 PM

The 153rd BrainClub was held

Welcome Dr. Ingo Greger from MRC Molecular Biology Laboratory (UK)、1The 153rd BrainClub was held on Friday, March 20th.。The title is "Mechanisms underlying AMPA receptor modulation and synaptic localization"。AMPA receptors accumulated at postsynaptic sites play a central role in fast information transmission between neurons via excitatory synapses.。For Ingo-sensei this time、Clarified using cryo-electron microscopy and electrophysiological analysis、The functional control mechanism of AMPA receptors brought about by differences in constituent subunits and auxiliary subunits、Please tell us about your latest findings.、Lively discussions took place。

The photo above is a commemorative photo taken after the lecture@Yuzaki lab seminar room。Ingo-sensei is central。Next to Yuzuzaki-sensei。The Seminar room has become beautiful Yo (Conference)

posted on 01/30/2023 9:42 PM

Selected for International Joint Research Acceleration Fund (International Leading Research)

2022JSPS International Joint Research Acceleration Fund (International Leading Research) to “Multidimensional Analysis of Memory Mechanisms”–from nm to mesoscale/millisecond to day scale”.。Bordeaux Neuroscience Institute(Dr. Choquet)、Max Planck Florida Institute(Drs. Yasuda & Fitzpatrick) and Japan.。Represented by Professor Yasunori Hayashi of Kyoto University、At domestic bases of Keio University, NIG, Niigata University, and the University of Tokyo、Next 7 years (up to 10 years)、We will work on international exchange and development of young researchers, mainly postdocs and graduate students.。

For postdocs and graduate studentsSupport for short-term and long-term study abroadPlease spread the information so that you can watch it.。AlsoSupport for young researchers when they become independentYou can do it, so please make the most of your chance.。

posted on 01/26/2023 12:12 AM

Neuro Conference Wakayama

Yuzaki gave a special lecture on January 21, 2023 at the 11th Neuro Conference Wakayama (Wakayama Medical University Kimiidera Campus)。Invited by Dr. Norimitsu Inoue, Department of Molecular Genetics, a leading expert in complement research。The photo is Professor Murai of the Department of Neurology, International University of Health and Welfare, another special lecturer.。

posted on 01/21/2023 2:28 PM

International Symposium "Molecular Physiology of Neuronal Signaling", Circuits & Behavior” held in Kyoto

Core-to-core program symposium “Molecular Physiology of Neuronal Signaling” of the core-to-core program “Research Center for Interdisciplinary Neuronal Signaling” (Doshisha University, Free University of Berlin, IST, Austria, University of Copenhagen), Circuits and Behavior” January 12-14、Yuzu gave an invited talk at Doshisha University in Kyoto。

posted on 01/17/2023 3:56 PM

US-Japan joint workshop (US-Japan brain) “Neurovascular Unit Conference 2023″It has been made

International Symposium from January 6th to January 9th, 2023 at Keio University Mita CampusNeurovascular Unit Conference 2023It has been made。Supported by the Japan-US Brain Research Cooperative Program、On the Japanese side, Prof. Hitoshi Nakahara, Department of Neurology, Keio University、On the US side, Mr. Ken Arai from MGH was the organizer.。Yuzuzaki gave a keynote speech。

posted on 01/10/2023 10:40 PM

The 152nd BrainClub was held!

Dr. Teruhiro Okuyama of the Institute for Quantitative Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, visited us.、The 152nd BrainClub was held (12/23(Fri) 16:00~17:30)。The title of his presentation was "Neural Mechanisms of Social Memory in the Hippocampus"。How "social memory" is processed as information in the ventral hippocampus、Obtained using calcium imaging and optogenetics、He gave a lecture on the results of his research to date.。In addition, please introduce the latest data on the brain representation mechanism of life and death.、It was a lively time for discussion from beginning to end.、I thought it was good too.)。

The photo above is the usual after the lecture、Commemorative photo while holding my breath @Yuzuzaki Laboratory。Okuyama-sensei is next to Yuzuzaki-sensei.。I'll do my best to clean up~ Aye oh…(Press conference)

posted on 12/26/2022 11:15 PM

A paper on visualization of small molecules by tissue fixation has been published in Chem.

Small molecules administered to adults、As a new technology that visualizes how and where in the brain it is distributed like a snapshot、We have developed a method for immobilizing small molecules using paraformaldehyde, which is often used in tissue fixation.。by this method、metabotropic glutamate receptor mGlu1、AMPA-type glutamate receptor、Succeeded in visualizing the localization pattern of dopamine receptors after ligand administration。This research was supported by ERATO/CREST.、In collaboration with Nagoya University Seichu Lab、published in Chemit was done。

posted on 12/13/2022 9:23 PM

Research achievements highlighted in HFSP Science Digest

Science Digest、Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)is a new publication of。In HFSP-supported research、The most notable scientific achievements are highlighted。Commemorative first issue was published、We are the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases(DZNE)of Alexander Dityatev Laboratory、I was informed that the research I conducted with Dr. Radu Aricescu, Oxford University (at that time) has been published.。
HFSP home pagecan be read at。Also、excerpt isfrom hereavailable for download。

posted on 12/01/2022 3:08 PM

Kick-off meeting for moonshot research and development project was held

Goal 7 of the moonshot research and development project, "Understanding and application of intestinal bacterial action principle for extending healthy life expectancy" was adopted.、A kick-off meeting was held this time。Professor Kenya Honda is the project manager (PM))Is the、Yuzuzaki will participate as PM assistant and team leader of the "gut-brain linkage analysis team"。2022It is a research and development project for 6 years from FY 2019 (up to 9 years until FY 2030).。

posted on 11/15/2022 11:47 PM

Presentation Workshop 2022

Workshop 2022 was held to improve Presentation Skills。

Presentation skills for researchers、In addition to presenting research results and interacting with other researchers,、Returning research results to the general public、It is an essential technology when acquiring research funds。As an active brain science researcher,、Lectures and practical training were given by Professor George Augustine, who has a proven track record in teaching presentation methods.。
Graduate students belonging to Keio University Graduate School of Medicine, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Graduate School of Science and Engineering、Young researchers participated。

This program is a WPI (Bio2Q)It is scheduled to be held as one of the joint graduate school programs (STaMP) in。

*Click here for Lecture videos→Open to those who belong to Keio University。

※※Lecture and Workshophere (photo)

posted on 11/01/2022 2:47 PM

Symposium "Development and Plasticity of the Brain" was held at Ise-Shima

Japan-U.S. brain. Brain Research Cooperative Program) and Core-to-Core Program supported symposium Development and Plasticity of the Brain was held in Ise-Shima between October 21st and 23rd。This meeting also commemorates the retirement of Professor Nobuhiko Yamamoto.。From the laboratory, Nozawa and Yuzu participated and Nozawa gave an oral presentation in English.。Photos from the symposiumClick here.

posted on 10/21/2022 6:46 PM